Dude, Where's My Update? #5
In which I figure out what newsletters are actually for.

I'm often in awe of those writers who can get a newsletter of substance out each week. Not just an update of what they're doing or a new piece of critical writing, but a synthesis of thought, a journal entry for their readers, musing on the news or whatever recently caught their fancy. That unstructured structure eludes me. I need a project, a focus. Direction. I'm sure I've bemoaned this before.
Perhaps it's also because I'm not really using this newsletter "as intended." I have a bad habit of that. It's the contrarian in me. I try to retrofit the thing I'm using for a different purpose, like how I'm really treating this as a blog more than a newsletter. (Ghost only shows my newsletter analytics like opens and subscribers, not visitors per page, which I would really like. Damn!)
Anyway. Hi folks. Hope you're doing well. Here's my usual plug for subscribers.
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If you aren't able to, that's OK as well. I'm just happy you're reading and sticking around. Alright, back to your regularly scheduled post.